Preschool Features and Philosophy

Information about the preschool program at Holden Christian Academy, a private Christian school in central Massachusetts

Holden Christian Academy's Preschool offers an exciting educational opportunity which includes the following features:

  • Choice of three programs: 5-day (M-F), 3-day (M-W), or 2-day (Th-F)
  • Full school day schedule: 8:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. (early release on Wednesdays at 1:45 p.m.)
  • Early Ed. After School Care available Monday thru Friday at an additional charge
  • Dedicated Early Childhood faculty
  • Excellent educational experience
  • Distinctly Christian environment
  • Certified Nature Explore Play Space

Holden Christian Academy is pleased to be accepting applications for our Preschool program. PLEASE NOTE: Children must by 3 years old by August 31.

apply today

HCA Preschool Educational Philosophy

Holden Christian Academy's vision is to inspire students to enjoy learning and live lives worthy of the calling of Christ. In our Preschool classes, we believe in educating the whole child by providing opportunities for growth spiritually, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically.

Spiritual Growth

The Preschool curriculum is based on a Christ-honoring foundation that includes daily devotions, prayer and worship. We teach that the Bible is God's Word and it is true. Our faith is naturally integrated into all our learning experiences as we see life through the lens of a Biblical framework. For example, when we teach about the seasons, we teach the children that God made the leaves to change colors in the fall, that God made the bears to sleep in the winter, and that God designed caterpillars to become butterflies in the spring. 

Social-Emotional Growth

Our preschool is staffed by caring professionals who provide a safe, nurturing environment with opportunities for social-emotional development throughout the day. Children learn to share and take turns while playing together at Center Time and Recess as well as through playing various learning games at Circle Time. Children are coached to use their words to express their needs and their feelings. Love and respect for one another is modeled and g taught by teachers.

Cognitive Growth

Our Preschool provides instruction in Kindergarten readiness concepts through whole group, small group, and center time activities. Learning is experiential and purposeful. We provide engaging activities, songs and games to build early literacy, number sense and language development. Ideas in Literature, Bible, Science and Social Studies are introduced through fun, monthly themes. We often end a unit with a culminating experience to celebrate our learning (Circus Day, Thanksgiving Feast, Dinosaur Days, Royal Ball, Frog Formal, etc.).

We provide real life experiences with Community Helpers through classroom visits from the Fire Department, Police Department, a dentist, a nurse/doctor, and others.

We provide experiences for exploration and observation in life sciences and physical sciences (growing plants, lifecycles, pet care, magnets, wheels, ramps, magnifying glasses, changes in matter from heat or cold).

We provide opportunities for children to demonstrate creative thinking and personal expression through process-focused art experiences during Center Time using play dough, various forms of painting, collage, drawing, beading, and printmaking.

Children explore rhythm and movement through a variety of musical activities. They sing songs to celebrate and learn new concepts.

Physical Growth

We recognize that God made our bodies and we need to take good care of them. We teach our kids to take care of their bodies through exercise and eating healthy food. 

Every day our students have Recess either outside on our playground or indoors in our gym. Teachers provide opportunities for gross motor development (running, jumping, climbing, sliding, balancing, throwing, catching and kicking balls). They play games that get kids moving and following directions (parachute, streamers, beanbags, obstacle course, tunnel). Our students are given time to explore various manipulative toys as well as coloring, tracing, cutting, gluing, and writing their name in our writing center to strengthen their fine motor skills. 

We participate in HCA's Food For Life program: planting, watering, harvesting, and eating from our own garden!

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